New Year’s Resolutions for Writers

Write New Year's resolutions that get the writer in you excited!

It’s that time of year again! Every January you write New Year’s resolutions that excite you but disappoint you in December when your goals are far from complete. Maybe you’d stick to your New Year’s resolutions if they were shaped around an activity you actually enjoy: writing!

These are my writing New Year’s resolutions this year. Will you try these goals with me?

  1. I will make time to write everyday.
  2. I will create an online presence as a writer by blogging, joining an online writing community, or refining my online profile.
  3. I will read more, especially those books I keep putting off.
  4. I will create a personal writing workspace.
  5. I will submit my work to at least 3 publications.
  6. I will attend at least one writing conference.
  7. I will take a writing course to help improve my writing.
  8. I will learn to take criticism with grace.
  9. I will finish writing at least one story.
  10. I will know my publishing options and decide the best route for my novel.

What New Year’s resolutions for writers did I miss? Post your writing New Year’s resolutions below.


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