My NaNoWriMo Round 4: Week 2

What a week! I’ve established new writing habits, written a lot of words, and made some pleasantly surprising discoveries about my novel.

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I’ve even made time to travel during the first chaotic week of National Novel Writing Month. I met my family up at Cuyahoga Valley National Park for the park’s Ales on Rails event. We sampled winter craft beers as we rode via train through the autumnal beauty of Ohio.

Let’s get to it. Here’s the progress I made this week.

My Progress

My goal was to maintain the minimum 1,667 words as my daily target. That way, I establish a writing habit early and prevent myself from falling behind in the NaNoWriMo writing challenge.

Since last week, I passed the 10K word mark! The first National Novel Writing Month week was six days, so it means I’m currently on point to finish by November 30.

My Obstacles

Lucky me, I had a positive challenge to conquer this week. With my travel plans on my calendar, I knew on Day 1 that my weekend was going to be too busy for writing. That meant I needed to squeeze in 3,334 extra words in by Friday night so that I could still be on top of my NaNoWriMo manuscript.

My Successes

I attended a local write-in session! I met up with the writing community at a city library branch and wrote with fellow National Novel Writing Month participants. We each discussed our manuscript concepts over typing keyboards and cups of hot tea. Even with all the conversation I easily landed my word count goal that day.

Needless to say, it’s on my calendar to attend more write-in sessions. They certainly work!

I also found that keeping track of my word count on my NaNoWriMo profile page keeps me accountable to not let my writing slide. I must publish my word total every night and, being the self-competitive person that I am, I want to show success.

My Goals

I want to continue the pattern of hitting at least 1,667 words each day and reaching a count of at least 21,671 words by Nov 13.

What are your NaNoWriMo goals this week? Share it with us below.

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