10 Positive Mantras for Your Writing

Some days are just harder to write than others. Some days you’d rather be lazy and some days you’d rather sulk.

Is that what a successful writer does?

Even after five years of blogging, I’ve had my moments where I didn’t feel like writing a blog post for next week. Still, I made sure a blog post was published on schedule.

How’d I do it? I changed my mindset.

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And a mindset starts with positive thoughts. So I searched for positive affirmations to get my writing back on track, but I kept finding paragraphs instead of one-liners.

A mantra is something that should be easy to remember and repeatable. So I created these ten positive mantras for my writing that are unforgettable and actionable.

I can do this. I choose to do this.

I can do this. I choose to do this. via KLWightman.com

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Writing isn’t something that happens to you. It’s a choice. And you must choose it and believe you can do it in order to achieve success with your writing.

Every action happens in the present. So choose an action for yourself at this moment so that your writing moves forward and closer to your goal. Repeat this positive mantra to remind yourself what you need to do.

I am in charge of how I feel

I am in charge of how I feel via KLWightman.com

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Sure, you can’t choose everything that happens to you each day. What you can decide is how you react to every given situation, even those that seem hopeless.

Same goes with your writing. You can choose to feel jealous, frustrated and defeated. Or you can choose to feel positive, calm and courageous.

This is my journey

This is my journey via KLWightman.com

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It’s really easy to compare your writing and writing career to award-winning authors. But comparing yourself to others can lead to writer’s envy and other dark emotions that will block you from your own writing goals.

Publishing isn’t a race. Writing is a personal accomplishment. Focus on your writing and what you can do to get to your goals.

Breathe in, breathe out

Breathe in. Breathe Out. via KLWightman.com

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Breathing is an action you do without often concentrating on it. So are negative habits that you let creep into your life.

So focus on your breath. Slowly inhale until it fills your lungs. Exhale with control until you have no air. Then repeat.

Focused breathing brings you back to the present. Now that you’re focused on the present moment, choose how you want to proceed with your writing. Do you want to move forward—or stop?

I have the power to create change

I have the power to create change via KLWightman.com

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Want a specific story to exist? Want your writing career to go in a different direction?

You can’t wait for life to happen to you. Life is a reflection of what you make of it, so take back your power to ignite the change you want to see in your writing.

There’s another way

There's another way via KLWightman.com

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Have you really exhausted all of your options? It’s really easy to throw in the towel when the first few tries don’t pay off. If your writing project is what you really want, you can’t let a challenge deter you.

You have the creativity to brainstorm an even better solution. Repeat this positive mantra to get your writing back on track.

I refuse to give up

I refuse to give up via KLWightman.com

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Big writing goals means making mistakes and finding failure along the way. Success isn’t defined by how often you fail, but that you persevere until you succeed.

Refuse to let negativity consume you and define you. Focus on what matters: Your writing and reaching your writing goals.

Today impacts tomorrow

Today impacts tomorrow via KLWightman.com

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You don’t just arrive at accomplishments. You take actions to make them happen. And if you want to reach your writing goals, you have to take actions today so that they come into fruition in the near future.

Don’t procrastinate. Keep saying this positive mantra to encourage yourself to take action today.

Success is my natural state

Success is my natural state via KLWightman.com

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Success isn’t just an end result—it’s also a state of mind. When you embody success, you choose to feel emotions that lead to success, solve problems that lead to success and take actions that lead to success.

Become your writing. Become success. Let success be the only option.

I will grow into my goal

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A goal is created when stated. Success starts when you commit to it.

The tallest tree in the forest started out as a seed. Let yourself grow into your goal one day at a time, one step at a time. Give yourself permission to grow.

Did I miss one? What positive mantra do you say to keep going with your writing? Share in the comments section below.

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