How to Write a Limerick

With St. Patrick’s Day quickly approaching, it’s the perfect time to learn how to write a limerick. Follow these rules on how to write a limerick so that your poem is a smash!


What is a Limerick?

A limerick is a witty, humorous, nonsense poem with a strict form of five lines and AABBA rhyming pattern.


Rules on How to Write a Limerick

  • There are five lines
  • Lines 1, 2, and 5 rhyme
  • Lines 3 and 4 rhyme


How to Rhyme a Limerick

ba BUM ba ba BUM ba ba BUM (A)

ba BUM ba ba BUM ba ba BUM (A)

ba BUM ba ba BUM (B)

ba BUM ba ba BUM (B)

ba BUM ba ba BUM ba ba BUM (A)


Example of How to Write a Limerick

There was a young fellow named Sheen

Whose teeth were yellow and unclean

His dentist said, “Gosh!

It’s time that you wash!”

And now all his teeth are pristine


Tips on How to Write a Limerick

  • The first line usually ends with a person’s name
  • The last line is usually funny
  • The rhymes don’t have to be exact, but try to be as close as possible
  • Keep a rhyming dictionary nearby when you write a limerick
  • Read lots of limericks to get a better sense of the poem
  • Have fun when you write a limerick!


What is your favorite type of poem to write? Vote for your favorite here!


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