Why Companies Don’t Value Content

Why do companies not value content marketing? Here's why.
Credit: f1000research.com

As I recently told readers, I started a new job. But this time it was different.

When I met each of my peers, almost everyone said, “Oh, you’re the one that’s going to write content for us.”

During meetings and happy hours, the conversation always included, “So, how far along are you on that content?”

No pressure, right?

This should seem normal. In fact, I was hired for content marketing, so why shouldn’t they expect me to write?

What threw me in for a loop was the eagerness for content. I’m blown away that everyone here knows what content is and its value to the company and to their roles.

I made the right choice to work here.

This isn’t how the story always goes. In prior roles, I heavily campaigned to execute content marketing strategies that often got the thumbs down from the big titles.

Some companies just don’t value the creative process of content marketing.

But why? What is it about content marketing that gets such a bad rap with company leaders?

Or do they simply not understand?

Companies have their reason for why they don’t value content, so it’s my turn to debunk those myths:

“Those Questions Can Be Answered Over The Phone.”

Content is a great way to answer a buyer’s questions early in the buyer process. We all prefer to answer our FAQs through Internet search, so why not be the one providing those answers?

Content sets up your potential buyer for success. Answer basic industry, product or service questions through content so that they want to call you with more informed questions and with confidence in pursuing this purchase.

And your sales team will thank you. Customer communications will be more effective, especially if your sales team can email potential buyers informative content during each stage of the buyer process.

It’s a win-win-win. And we all like to win.

“We Haven’t Done This Before.”

Many companies are familiar with magazine ads, radio spots and billboards. In fact, these approaches have worked—and for some, still work—for decades. Why change this strategy?

It’s not about not changing the strategy. It’s about expanding it.

More companies would rather jump into social media than consider a content marketing strategy. While likes and follows are great, it’s not driving traffic to your website or beginning a dialogue with new customers, your future loyal fan base.

That’s where content comes in.

Social media needs a regular posting schedule and active engagement in order effectively build your brand and increase purchases. Content is the icebreaker to that conversation.

But don’t give up the billboards yet. Traditional marketing may be bringing people to your website or social media channels, but it’s the authentic content that’s reassuring them you’re the one for the job.

Content marketing isn’t asking to replace methods that work. It’s suggesting to complement your strategy.

“What If It Doesn’t Work?”

It may not work. Some content falls flat on its face. Some content marketing strategies never meet KPIs or reach ROIs.

But there’s a reason for that.

Content marketing is about providing genuine information to potential buyers about the industry or product or service or the experience of it.

It’s not a promise that the reader will buy. It’s not a statement that your company is the best in what it sells.

The content simply just is.

But think about what content does for your brand. It makes you the authority in your field. It enforces your value of caring about the customer’s experience. It builds trust between you and your customer.

And this is how content marketing works. A potential buyer reads more and more pieces of content until they feel assured of your authenticity and expertise, then they move closer in their decision to purchase from you.

And what better way to start that relationship than with good intentions?

What do you think? Why do you think companies don’t value content? Share your opinion below.

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