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Logic vs Emotion: Marketing to the Post-Pandemic Consumer

Logic vs Emotion Marketing to a Post-Pandemic Consumer via

There’s no going back to the way things were before. Your buyer, no matter their circumstance, has been impacted by this pandemic. And once stay-at-home orders are officially lifted, their buying decisions will reflect just how much the market has changed.

We’ve entered a buyer’s market. With the uncertainty of the current economy, companies are more desperate to make up for lost profits within the last quarter. While business closures have eliminated competition from your market, it doesn’t guarantee revenue as it would have in 2019.

Your marketing is now more relevant than ever. In other words, how you appeal to the post-pandemic consumer matters to the survival of your company.

The way you talk to your target customers—simply put, logic vs emotion marketing—can sway them to buy what you sell or choose your competition. 

What is Logical Appeal in Marketing?

Logical appeal is a persuasion method that relies on evidence and reasoning. In marketing, an advertising strategy that applies the logical appeal aims to emphasize the practicality and functionality of their product or service. Cost and the features of the product or service are front and center in a logical appeal marketing campaign.

Let’s say a gas station today wants to appeal to the post-pandemic audience. By applying a logical appeal, their marketing angle can focus on:

Their thesis statement is that save a consumer time and money by choosing their gas station. This logical appeal marketing approach relies on the evidence above to support this claim.

What is Emotional Appeal in Marketing?

Emotional appeal is a persuasion method that relies on the emotional and behavioral patterns of target customers. In marketing, an advertising strategy that applies the emotional appeal aims to connect their brand to the emotional needs and aspirations of their consumers. The brand focuses less on what they do as a business and more on why they do it.

Let’s revisit that gas station wanting to appeal to a post-pandemic audience. By applying an emotional appeal, their marketing angle can focus on:

Emotional marketing captures the experience of using the product that this gas station sells. This emotional appeal marketing approach targets feelings that compel consumers to action.

Logic vs Emotion: Which Should Your Marketing Target?

That depends on what you sell. The choice of logic vs emotion marketing lies in how the post-pandemic consumer views your product or service in today’s market.

The Appeal of Logic to the Post-Pandemic Consumer

People are now, more than ever, driven by facts. After months of tracking pandemic stats online or in the news, your target audience is more inclined to weigh in numbers and objective truths into their buying decisions.

Priorities have changed. As people brace for an economic downturn, their decisions on what to buy are ranked by need and value.

Here’s an example. It’s safe to assume that convenience is a high-ranking factor for the post-pandemic consumer. The buyer is more likely to buy if they can order it online or make a drive-thru pick-up at the corner store. And it doesn’t matter how much inspirational marketing you throw their way—if it takes too much effort to acquire it, no sale.

It boils down to want vs need. If your product or service is considered by many as a need, then the logical appeal can be your most successful marketing angle—that is, with the right presentation.

A strong logical marketing campaign quickly establishes the urgency of the consumer’s need, then backs up their claims with best price, best location(s), greatest convenience and valuable loyalty program rewards.

The Appeal of Emotion to the Post-Pandemic Consumer

The post-pandemic customer may be more practical with their buying decisions, but they are still driven by emotions. Consumers want to feel connected to a brand before making that purchase, no matter the product or service.

This is key if what your company sells isn’t considered to be a need. And this can be achieved successfully without relying on trickery or deceptive marketing tactics.

Value is at the heart of every buying decision. The logical appeal targets the value of need, price, location and convenience. The emotional appeal targets the value of experiencing life as it relates to your product or service.

And for millions of people who have spent the last few months living life at home, they crave experiences more than ever.  

A strong emotional marketing campaign aims to capture the relevancy of the brand experience to the target consumer. It leads with experiencing life with the brand’s product or service, then connects with the customer by aligning with their personal values.

Regardless of approach, the post-pandemic consumer plans to only purchase from a company they trust. Prove to your consumers that your brand deserves their long-term loyalty. Because your target audience is more present in their purchasing decisions, they are more alert to sensing dishonesty and hoodwinking schemes.

And it doesn’t matter how much they need or want what your company sells—if your competition proves to be more trustworthy, that will be the most effective marketing approach in this post-pandemic market.

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